
Upgrade von WordPress

Zur eigenen Erinnerung, hier was ich beim Upgrade auf 3.4.2 getan habe:

– FTP login als admin auf Vulpes, kopieren des gesamten Verzeichnisses zu home\backup

login auf phpmyadmin und export der hirnblog datenbank, dabei Add drop table anklicken, kompressionsgrad wählen und den erzeugten File auch ins backupverzeichnis kopieren.


  1. Delete the old wp-includes and wp-admin directories on your web host (through your FTP or shell access).
  2. Using FTP or your shell access, upload the new wp-includes and wp-admin directories to your web host, overwriting old files.
  3. Upload the individual files from the new wp-content folder to your existing wp-content folder, overwriting existing files. Do NOT delete your existing wp-content folder. Do NOT delete any files or folders in your existing wp-content directory (except for the one being overwritten by new files).
  4. Upload all new loose files from the root directory of the new version to your existing wordpress root directory.

Lastly you should take a look at the wp-config-sample.php file

If you’re upgrading manually after a failed auto-upgrade, delete the file .maintenance from your WordPress directory using FTP. This will remove the „failed update“ nag message.

Visit your main WordPress admin page at /wp-admin.

Evtl. ist ein Datenbankupdate notwendig. Fertig.